Strong Bond, Monogamous, Nomadic
Grouping Limits 4 Adults + Offspring
Nesting 2 Spring 48hrs | 2 Summer 48hrs | 1 Autumn 48hrs | 0 Winter
Birth for camas is relatively easy no dino would dare to mess with a cama baby because by the time the baby sees you the parents are already rushing towards you.
As juvies the males will start roaming with their fathers while the females help look out for the other babies and learn how to find the best berries from their mothers.
Camarasaurus will usually travel across the map in search of a mate or a herd. They will commonly be seen alone after growing or searching for food. They aren't very vocal when alone unless they have heard other herbivores or trying to attract a mate. They can be seen around smaller herbivores but only because they feel protected by the Cama A solitary Cama will attempt to run when coming across an apex pair or a large pack of mid-tiers. When it starts getting tired it will stop and attempt to threaten the carnivores with it's large body, it's last option is to fight which it will try to avoid at all times. They will however defend themselves if the hunter continues the hunt.
A female Cama that is ready to mate will brush up against the male and be very vocal. The male may then brush up against her producing flirtatious calls attempting to show off the flourishing colors on his crest. If the female accepts him then they shall both continue to exchange flirtatious calls until settling down and putting up a territory. Should another male bull attempt to enter the territory the male will chase it out even if means killing the other male. These territories can be as long as 2 miles should the male bother to patrol such a vast area. they will not attack other herbivores instead treating them like guest with welcoming calls.
Parental Hood
A Camarasaurus is VERY aggressive towards anything that is in their radius whilst having babies around . These beasts are not afraid to kill an apex pair for their baby's protection. The male will frequently chase things away 3 calling non-stop. This includes (ALL) Low Mid tiers. Apexes will be attacked on sight.
Camarasaurus love long open river areas, although they may meet up with other Camas at water holes, but they cannot move together afterwards.
Hierarchy None Equal (If multiple males are present the eldest will usually be seen as the pack leader and will decide where to migrate)
Pack Mentality
The max Pack amount for Camas is 4 this includes hatchlings, juveniles
Camas will protect other herbivores if they see one being hunted they wont risk their life but they will kill for other herbivores. an roam freely not having to duck and bend under branches.