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Writer's picture: Max CarterMax Carter

Strong Bond, Monogamous, Cathermal, Territorial, Cannibalistic

Symbiote Austroraptor

Grouping Limits Mated Pair + Juvenile Offspring

Alternative Limits 3 Related Sub Adults

Nesting 3 Spring 6 hrs | 2 Summer 6 hrs | 2 Autumn 6 hrs | 1 Winter 6 hrs


At first hatchling spinos arent very active, and sleep until food is nearing emptiness, should the food become empty before they reach juvenile, they would either run, or fight over eating from austro nests, becoming overly aggressive.

Juvenile Juvenile Spinos will begin to fight with their siblings, and often even cannibalize their own siblings should they get hungry enough.


When Spinosaurus's are alone they often spend their time calling for a mate after patrolling the territory and during patrolling their territory, they will often let flocks of Austros join their territory to clean after them, and even let cuddle up to them.


When 2 Spinosaurus's meet, the male will often be found dancing in the water making circles, having austros join in has helped the female like him alot more, if her austro flock like him and his austro flock like her she will often find herself and himself killing for each other, patrolling and until they both accept they will try to impress and show out their strengths but not protecting until mated, once they accept each other they will cuddle beside each other, cooing and rubbing against each other, spending a massive time together till the female goes and prepares a nest to lay her eggs in.

Parental Hood

When a Spinosaurus becomes a parent they mainly leave their children with their austro flock, letting the flock look after their children as they patrol and hunt, only returning if they hear danger approaching, or to bring them to their kill. (Parents kick out offspring from their territory at subadult)


Spinos prefer to be in moist, dampened areas, due to their fins drying out, injuring them and causing deformities during hatching and later down the track even stunting their growth.

Hierarchy N/A

Pack Mentality

A Spino pair are extremely territorial, but lazy they wont regularly guard their territory but if they see anything intruding they will instantly go to strive it away from their territory, or to kill them. Juvenile Spino groups will be rowdy and aggressive to one another preferring to fight rather than get along as they are preferring to future competitions like mating.

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