Weak Bond, Monogamous, Diurnal, Territorial, Cannibalistic
Symboite Juvenile Utahraptor
Grouping Limits Mated Pair + OffSpring
Alternative Limits 3 Related Sub Adults
Nesting 4 Spring 6 hrs | 4 Summer 6 hrs | 2 Autumn 6 hrs | 2 Winter 6 hrs
Baby Rexes will be extremely obedient to their mothers, they will hide when they hear her roaring fiercely they will hide, if she tells them to hide they will hide, if they see their father they will know to hide, to avoid being cannibalized, baby rexes live in fear as they cower behind their mother.
Juvenile Rexes still live in great fear, but will start to show more independence at this stage, hunting other juveniles or smaller creatures, they will start to stray from their mother further
When Alone, Female rexes will settle down in a territory, becoming extremely territorial and aggressive to other female rexes, and other species. Male Rexes will be nomadic searching or a mate to spread his genes with.
A female rex will start broadcasting, when a male appears and makes his presence known by making kills for her and dancing, the female attempt to get their attention by walking back and forth and showing off her large sharp teeth if the male likes what he sees he will bite the female’s neck leaving a mark, and they will rub noses together sealing the courtship.
Parental Hood
The Male Rex 9/10 will leave the territory, only coming back if he showed interested in mating with her again and she was in trouble, otherwise not showing around again, until his children are nearing sub adult, this is where he'll prepare to court his female again by dancing and showing hes still a viable mate, even sometimes chasing off or killing his offspring if the female isn't watching. Female Rexes are extremely protective of their children only ever leaving them if she must go out hunting, and always bringing them with her once they reach juvenile unless bringing them with her would result in their death
Inhabitants Wide Open Fields, filled with a plentiful food and water, with a nesting spot for the females, will be a typical territorial spot of male trikes to pick as his territory.
Hierarchy Strongest One
Pack Mentality
When Rex pairs stay together during mating, the male will often be cold and will attempt to push around the female rex, his hunger can become uncontrollable at any time causing a fight in-between the two putting the kids endanger constantly. (edited)