Average Bond, Polygamous, Herbivore, Diurnal
Grouping limit 7 Adults: 2 males, 5 females, unlimited children related to male.
Nesting 3 Summer 1 hr | 4 Spring 1.5 hr | 2 Autumn 2 hr | 1 Winter 2 hr
Hatchling ankys often usually hide in there nest as there back armor is still developing they are very demanding of there parents when young because they can't move around easily since there back body armor is hardening they are often very vocal for there parents when needing food or water.
Juvie: (50% hatchling) They are now mobile and active then when they were hatchlings but still greatly depends on their parents for food, water and protection. They still are not as active as there parents due to their back still hardening and fusing as they grow.
(fresh adult stage) Once reaching reaching early stages of puberty the males often begin testing out their clubs against trees and logs. On rare occasions they will try striking at stones. The males sometimes often roughhouse against each other to see whom is stronger. Females on the other hand are more vocal and more docile then males. They will spend there time sun bathing and lazing around with there mother while the males stay with there father to learn about courting females and contesting with each other to fight for higher up ranks. The females tend to graze around and watch the males rough house. Females have strong bonds with each other.
Females with often socialize with each other. The females are Often led my the eldest female of the anky herd. The lead female is highly aggressive towards anything that will threaten her fellow ankys. Males will compete for the lead females attention as she is the most experienced female of the herd and has the best chances of raising successful young. There is a lead male but he often shows dominance of the other males by bashing into trees, logs and rocks and sometimes even putting young cocky males in their place.
Lead female: She will release pheremons like all the other females do but will nudge against the strongest male or against the male she chooses. She has first pick. Other females: The females wait for the lead female to come into season. Then they mock the same behaviors as the lead female but the younger females can be quite picky while lead female is in charge of everything. She sets example for the other females. No one dares to challenge the lead female for breeding rights due to her often hogging one male at a time. Lead female will become highly aggressive towards the male if he tries to woo any other females. She will beat him down if she has to for dominance. Males: The dominant male and the other males of the herd of chosen will accept the female. The male ankys can take on multiple females at once. Males usually strut and show off to the females once the smell the pheromones of the lead female and other females coming into season. They will bang there clubs around and 2 call at the female cooing her for affection and favor. He will do a dance for the female as well. Sometimes multiple males will go after the same female and will end up fighting for her. The female can turn down the winner if she chooses.
Females are highly protective and often will die for there young. Sometimes even starving themselves to keep the young fed. The males do help tend to the young but if they have multiple females he will make his rounds for the females to get a chance to feed themselves. Male is protective of both their young and of the females.
Solitary They often go about searching for a herd or for same member of their species out of loneliness. They become quiet and skittish during this time.
Pack Mentality They become more social and vocal when entering a herd. They often try to make friends with anything that is herbivore. Sometimes even protecting the youngest and slowest of the herd.